duminică, 23 ianuarie 2011

Are You Ready to Bring Your Horse Home?

Are You Ready to Bring Your Horse Home?

Horse wearing halter
These FAQs answer the most important questions about buying and preparing for your first horse. Are you ready?

Horse Ownership Readiness

Horses Spotlight10

Katherine's Horses Blog

Horse Picture of the Week: Winnie

Sunday January 23, 2011
Winnie and her owner have a 20 year history. Among the skills they've learned together are saddling a moving target and dealing with hyper children. Seriously though, she has taught her owner patience and acceptance.
Read more about Winnie on her page. More Horse Pictures:

Horse Care Costs - What Do You Think?

Saturday January 22, 2011
Back in 2005 I posted this article on the cost of horse care. A lot of things have happened since then and costs have gone up. I know I'm paying about 10$ more for the farrier to trim my horse's feed. The cost of hay and feed grains has gone up. Until recently, transportation was getting more and more expensive and this was reflected in almost everything we bought. How have the price feeds and items for your horse changed lately? How would you price hay, supplements, farrier services and other items and services for your horse. How should I change these costs to reflect what a new horse owner can expect today?

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